Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Finally made it to London!!!

Andy, Bin, and Jimmy at the Roman Baths.

Sarah enjoying a pint of Fruli's strawberry beer. It was really good, kind'a tasted like a fruit-roll-up.

Alex and Matt at Stonehenge.

David and his "love interest" at Hampton Court Palace (turned out they weren't meant to be).

Flowers at Kew Garden.

We made it to London! Sorry for the lack of blogging the last few days but internet has been hard to come by. In order to keep this at a decent length I'll start with what we did yesterday during our free day in Bath. To start Bath is probably one of the prettiest towns we have visited in my opinion. It had that old feel charm while still being a very happening and modern place! The first thing most everyone did when we arrived was head to the Roman Baths for a tour inside. They were incredible! The Romans have got to be some of the most ingenious people to ever walk the planet. The systems they came up with to move the water, heat to room, and even cool the rooms was really interesting and their methods, while improved upon, are still used today! When we finished our tour of the baths you can sample some of the water from the spring that feeds it. So we tried it, it had a very high mineral concentration that was less than pleasant to say the least.

From there we really just wandered around town. We stopped to get lunch at this little "hole in the wall" place that was super cheat and deliciously good. With happy stomachs the group I was with headed to The Circus and Royal Crescent. Both are famous architecture pieces that house very wealthy and well to do people. Nicholas Cage is actually said to own one of the flats. We continued exploring the town before finally heading back to the hotel for a little afternoon nap. For dinner most all of us went to a little Thai restaurant around the corner from the hotel before heading to... you guessed it... a pub. It was a rather relaxing and enjoyable day in the beautiful town of Bath!

This morning we had an early start to our day! First stop- Stonehenge! It was really cool (wouldn't have minded the sun coming out but hey)!! I can't even imagine how such a thing was constructed thousands of years ago when they didn't have any of the technological advances that we do now, I think that it part of the fascination! That and nobody is really sure what Stonehenge was used for since it appears to serve many purposes- calendar, religious beliefs, a sign of power, etc.

After a quick visit there we headed to Hampton Court which was where the Royal family lived before Buckingham Palace. It had quite the set of formal gardens, which were not to my taste in the slightest. The thing I found most entertaining was when David tried to make friends with one of the swans living on the grounds. They seemed to have gotten a pretty good friendship started, especially when David offered some bread. However, I think the swan finally decided that their friendship wasn't meant to be when David tried to hug him and he responded by nearly squirting David's foot with a nice little present. It was pretty entertaining!

The last garden of our trip was to Kew Gardens. It was beautiful and had a wide collection of garden elements, some not so native to England, like the 163ft Pagoda (a Japanese influence). They had a really interesting glass house that held all sorts of tropical plants for all different places. There was also a butterfly house, a lilly garden, a tree top walk which was really cool neat both as an experiential experience and as an architectural/sculptural piece. After a few hours of hanging out at Kew we finally headed into London! Our hotel is right down the street from Hyde Park and around the corner from the subway station so we can go explore the city the next two days!

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